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Android – NekoBox

#Automatic addition (recommended)

1. Download and Install the "NekoBox" app from your app store if available, or download it here for your architecture.

2. Go to your account, on the Node List page Click the "Clash Subscribe URL".

3. Open the "NekoBox", click the menu in the top left corner, and Go to "Groups".

4. Click on "+"

5. Fill in the fields:

  • "Group name" = Any name
  • "Group Type" = "Subscription".
  • "Subscription Link" = URL from step 2.
  • "Auto Update" at the bottom = Enable
Click the checkmark in the top right corner
A new group will appear upon successful update.

6. Click "Update"

7. In the menu, Go to "Configuration", select a server, and connect.

Screenshots are from the Matsuri app, but they are identical. The difference is that Matsuri does not work with the Vless protocol.
